Real Monsters was an animated series that aired on Nickelodeon from October 1994 until December 1997 Sometime before the show premiered, the show's production company, KlaskyCsupo, made a pitch pilot for the seriesNot much is known from the pilot aside that The Gromble's name was The Womble, and was eventually changed due to confusion with another series calledReal Monsters is an American animated television show about adolescent monsters in training, developed by Klasky Csupo for Nickelodeon The show ran from to on Nickelodeon's main United States cable channel The show is now released on DVD The show focuses on three young monsters — Ickis, Oblina and Krumm — who attend an institute for monstersReal Monsters is an American animated television series developed by Klasky Csupo for Nickelodeon The show focuses on three young monsters—Ickis, Oblina and Krumm—who attend a school for monsters under a city dump and learn to frighten humans Many of the episodes revolve around them making it to the surface in order to perform "scares" as class assignments The
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